
Showing posts from January, 2017

Initial Ideas

Initial Ideas In our second introductory lesson, I created an initial ideas mind map of sorts. This mind map is the very beginning of the creation of my music magazines. Alternatively, these ideas could change, however I am quite set on the ideas I have managed to come up with so far. The category's I have discussed include celebrity inspiration's, outfits, props, potential colours, models, themes, target audiences, vibes, title ideas and locations. Each category has at least three different choices and paths I could go down. These ideas are all my own from my own mind and were thought of whilst searching on Google "acoustic magazine ideas" where Gabrielle Aplin modelled holding a guitar. All choices for the category props, outfits and models are the most likely to be kept the same.

Preliminary task

Preliminary task For practice, our media course led us to create a school magazine to show us the different conventions of a magazine. These conventions included the research, taking photographs, using equipment, using the correct colours, Photoshop, InDesign, positioning and taking a medium close up shot. The overall aim was to make a contents page and a front cover of the school magazine to practise. I found the task was not as hard as I suspected and I managed to handle my timing well as I used my own time happily. We also had to ask our friends and fellow students if they were willing to be in the shot. Many asked their friends, as did I. I am proud to say I passed this preliminary task.


Hi! My name is Ellie, this is my AS media coursework project from Whitley Bay High School. Over the next few months I will be updating my progress everyday of my music magazine. I will be creating a front cover, contents page and a double page spread of the magazine. I will be using this blog to share my progress and my ideas to connect with my readers. I will be learning about the codes and conventions of a music magazine to extend my knowledge and help progress my own magazine!