
Presentation for the evaluation

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Thank you!!

Thank you very much for following me on this journey of my coursework. I am very happy with the outcome and I hope I get a good grade! My magazines have made a very large difference and I believe my skills hope improved substantially!

If I had more time...

If I had more time I would change the font on my contents page and I would have practised my photo shop more as I feel like it was very difficult. Other then that, I am very happy with the result of my media as I believe I have worked very hard on the project and hope for a good amount come. I also think that I could have added some little features to make my contents page and double page spread look more professional!

All magazines I have created


Preliminary comparrison

This is my preliminary task! as you can see, I have improved alot compared to my final piece

Article comparrison

Hi! today I am going to be comparing an article written by Q against my own article in my Double Page Spread. The double page spread that I wrote myself consisted of an article which contained an interview which I was advised to do from my viewers. The interview was pretty difficult to do as I typed it on notes and had to transfers it onto InDesign which was quite a hassle in itself. It is difficult to tell, but this article was not a interview per say; although it did have quotes from celebrity's. Its included information about a festival and the detail about what happened in the event. Personally, I believe that my article is more conventional as it is an interview which has been shown to be more popular. This article is from Q, which does not always focus on double page spreads as they use story which cover four to five pages.

Total Guitar Contents Page

Hello, Today I will be analysing Total Guitars contents page! Just from glancing at this contents page, it is evident that this contents page is more basic then other contents pages. The design is simple, and sophisticated which fits the genre. The most interesting thing about this front cover is its pictures. The contents page is clearly focusing on guitars as two out of the three images shown on the contents page include a photo of a guitar. This clearly states that the magazines main focus is guitars and its main intentions are to show guitars in all lights. However the guitars used are not acoustic at all. In my contents page, I will not use a lot of photos as i would prefer to have a image dominated photo. This is due to the fact that I believe a image dominated photo on a contents page is far more effective that having numerous image, although it is eye-catching to have more than one image. I will do this is my magazine that I will create and I will also try to include a prop