Total Guitar Contents Page

Hello, Today I will be analysing Total Guitars contents page! Just from glancing at this contents page, it is evident that this contents page is more basic then other contents pages. The design is simple, and sophisticated which fits the genre. The most interesting thing about this front cover is its pictures. The contents page is clearly focusing on guitars as two out of the three images shown on the contents page include a photo of a guitar. This clearly states that the magazines main focus is guitars and its main intentions are to show guitars in all lights. However the guitars used are not acoustic at all.
In my contents page, I will not use a lot of photos as i would prefer to have a image dominated photo. This is due to the fact that I believe a image dominated photo on a contents page is far more effective that having numerous image, although it is eye-catching to have more than one image. I will do this is my magazine that I will create and I will also try to include a prop if it is conventional for me to do. The prop I will include would be a guitar like this magazine has done but it will be an acoustic guitar rather that an electric guitar shown here.
Something else that I like about this magazine is the font  used as it is conventional and clearly fits the genre and it is bold yet simplistic. This font is quite a bold statement as it is used thoroughly through out the magazines contents page. I also this the use of black and white font is rather creative as usually magazine editors user either white OR black not the two together which I think is very attractive. Furthermore, I think the use of several photos here is quite over powering as I believe that having an image dominated contents page is more attractive than having several images although it is eye catching. 
In my magazine I will have one image as the main feature and I believe I will have a bold and eye catching font and text like this magazine has one. I might also use the use of using black and white text as I think it is a bold move but it is very attractive to do, especially in a contents page. I might also include the numbers on what ever image i decide to take like this magazine has done several times.


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