
Showing posts from April, 2017

rough draft double page spread analysis

Hi there! today I will be showing you my rough cut double page spread and letting you know what my class mates and teachers collectively like and disliked about this double page spread.  What people liked Firstly many people liked the fact that I had a duo band as it was seen as classy and a typical size of a band for an acoustic genre. A lot of people also thought that the models used were very good and they contrast each other as one is blonde (Beth) and one is a brunette). People also like the white colour of font as it contrasts well with the background and matched the models outfits. In addition, the yellow font in my article was also thoroughly enjoyed in my article. What could be improved however many people like my front cover and my contents page thought that having a background that was not plain made the text difficult to read. As well as this, many thought my article was difficult to read as the background again, was not plain. My peers suggested putting a bl

The Interview

Hi there! the video above is about me (on the right) interviewing my friend and model Amelia. The two questions that I asked were: What are you attracted to as my target audience What could be approved (about the media magazine)

rough draft contents page analysis

Hi again! Today I am going to show you my rough draft of my contents page which, like my front cover, was discussed in a positive way and a constructive way! What Went Well Many people discussed my use of prop on my contents page. I wanted to show what my chosen genre is by using props like my research clearly did show, on the their magazine. This guitar was said to have shown that clearly, which was a positive opinion. Also many people though that my model was perfect and looked like an actual model on both my contents page and my front cover. Many also liked my 'pop of colour' as one of the primary colours as it is constant and stands out in most areas. Finally, many people liked the costume my model is wearing as they stand out and represent my genre of music. What could be improved A lot of people thought that it would be more consistent if I used a background that is a solid colour as, although it was a good idea, it is not very conventional to have this backg

How I used photoshop

Hi again, today I will be talking to you about another piece of software I used very frequently to alter images. This piece of software is called Photoshop which I knew about before using it for my magazine but as I said, I never used this piece of software before.  Like InDesign, I had several lessons on Photoshop allowing me to learn and practise skills on the soft wear. At first, I though this was rather difficult to do but I managed to get the hang of the process after a few lessons and tutorials. I used this with every magazine I created as I cut and cropped 90% of the images I took on the cameras provided. You can use many tools on Photoshop but the one I used the most was the 'magnetic-lasso' which made it a lot easier to cut out an image as it automatically cuts out based on the colour contrast which is good for me as my model wore relativity bold colours in contrast to a white background. 

How I used InDesign

Hello! today I will tell you about a software called InDesign which is what I used to create my final magazine, rough draft magazine and even my preliminary task. This software allowed me to have access to different tools that allowed me to be creative and have easier access to movement unlike publisher and paint. InDesign is also simple to use as you create 'boxes' which allow you to place images or shapes in them as they provide a border for you to neatly and accurately move items around. I found InDesign to be incredibly useful and simple to use as I had never used any sort of ICT software that edits and creates pieces of work unless it was something not useful like paint. However, we did get a tutorial on how to use it and all the tips and trick to using this software to its full ability with things like adjusting texts and shapes.  

Deadline day!

Hi there! today is the 25th of April and it is deadline day! as you can imagine, many of my fellow class mates and friends are stressed yet prepared for this deadline. I handed my magazine in on the 7th of April before the 2 week Easter holidays as I was aware that if I focused on my magazine rather than Blogs on the week before the holidays, I could have the entire Easter holiday to revise media in general and do as many blogs as I could. Here is an image of my two friends Izzy and Beth concentrating on their work to get their deadline in on time, these girls are also models in my piece.

The Final Piece

Hello again! today I am going to be showing you my media product which I have developed over these past few months. I am proud of what I have created and am impressed with the difference between this final product and my rough drafts and even my preliminary task. 

The studio

Hi again! today I will show you an image of the studio that I, and many of the students doing media used many times in order to use Photoshop easily and to have easy access to something professional. In the studio we have a white background and large sheets of white cardboard to cover the rooms floor for Photoshop to be easier as we can cut the image out without complications. Although there is not one in the image I have provided, there is a tripod that stands in the middle of the studio to fix the camera you have hired on to. There is also a little remote that fixes onto the top of the camera that automatically makes the diffuser's flash as you click the shutter button. The three diffusers that you see in this image all dispense a light; or as we know it, a flash. The white umbrella looking diffuser is called (just as it looks) an umbrella. The two black diffusers you see are called 'a soft box' which also produce a light if you need it. I used the umbrella and one