How I used photoshop

Hi again, today I will be talking to you about another piece of software I used very frequently to alter images. This piece of software is called Photoshop which I knew about before using it for my magazine but as I said, I never used this piece of software before. 
Like InDesign, I had several lessons on Photoshop allowing me to learn and practise skills on the soft wear. At first, I though this was rather difficult to do but I managed to get the hang of the process after a few lessons and tutorials. I used this with every magazine I created as I cut and cropped 90% of the images I took on the cameras provided. You can use many tools on Photoshop but the one I used the most was the 'magnetic-lasso' which made it a lot easier to cut out an image as it automatically cuts out based on the colour contrast which is good for me as my model wore relativity bold colours in contrast to a white background. 


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