rough draft double page spread analysis

Hi there! today I will be showing you my rough cut double page spread and letting you know what my class mates and teachers collectively like and disliked about this double page spread. 

What people liked
Firstly many people liked the fact that I had a duo band as it was seen as classy and a typical size of a band for an acoustic genre. A lot of people also thought that the models used were very good and they contrast each other as one is blonde (Beth) and one is a brunette). People also like the white colour of font as it contrasts well with the background and matched the models outfits. In addition, the yellow font in my article was also thoroughly enjoyed in my article.

What could be improved
however many people like my front cover and my contents page thought that having a background that was not plain made the text difficult to read. As well as this, many thought my article was difficult to read as the background again, was not plain. My peers suggested putting a black square behind the article and fading it so that it is easy to read no matter what the background consists of. Also the font I used for my main quote/caption is rather odd as it doesn't suggest acoustic or have any of the conventions of a magazine title at all. In my personal opinion, I thought this font looked good, but as my peers are my target audience, I will change this font to something more clear. Finally, many people thought my text was a bit 'wordy' and there could be a image or even a symbol put by the text to make it more intriguing as it would attract my target audience a lot more. 
Overall, I will use all feedback given to me by my peers in my front cover, contents page and double page spread and alter or fully change what my audience have suggested.


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