The studio

Hi again! today I will show you an image of the studio that I, and many of the students doing media used many times in order to use Photoshop easily and to have easy access to something professional. In the studio we have a white background and large sheets of white cardboard to cover the rooms floor for Photoshop to be easier as we can cut the image out without complications. Although there is not one in the image I have provided, there is a tripod that stands in the middle of the studio to fix the camera you have hired on to. There is also a little remote that fixes onto the top of the camera that automatically makes the diffuser's flash as you click the shutter button.

The three diffusers that you see in this image all dispense a light; or as we know it, a flash. The white umbrella looking diffuser is called (just as it looks) an umbrella. The two black diffusers you see are called 'a soft box' which also produce a light if you need it. I used the umbrella and one of the soft boxes rather than using the cameras flash as it looks more professional


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