
Showing posts from February, 2017

Billboard Contents Page

Hi again! today I will be analysing this contents page from billboard. First of all, what is different about this magazine is the chart list. This chart list gives the reader on the magazines very own current music chart. As you can see, there are different artists and different singles that are categorised by colour so that the audience can easily distinguish what and which page the song/artist is at in the magazine. The background colour is mainly white with grey on the chart list which allows the audience to distinguish the two features. This gives the magazine a fresh look for the genre the magazine usually goes for. In my magazine, I will use the colour white like this magazine has done for my main background colour, but I will not use the colour grey. Alternatively, I will use the colour black instead. I will not use the use of the feature of a chart list. Although this is very effective and different, it is useful for a generic type of music genre rather than a niche category

Mojo Contents Magazine Review

Hi there! today I will be reviewing MOJO's contents page in their music magazine. First of all, the release of the issue date and page number of the magazine is in a smaller font compared to the regular text on the contents magazine. This is due to the fact that the information i not as vital as the rest of the magazine, or as important to the reader. This contrasts with the title of the magazine as it is large and is central to the magazine, attracting reader     attention.                                                                               In my magazine, I will do the same and make sure that the title of the magazine is central on the contents page. However, I might not use the title of the magazine on the contents page and may just use the words 'contents page' as a title like many other magazines have done. I will also make sure that the the issue date and the page number are small are are in the bottom or top corner of the page and is not noticeable. I will

Rolling Stones Contents Page Review

Hi again! Today I will be reviewing a contents page from the Rolling Stones. The date and the page number are rather easy to find. This is appealing to the audience as the information that is required is easy to find and shows the magazine is organised. The font and the text used is very limited but any features described in the text is shown in more detail than previous magazines. The contents is organised and sophisticated and the main articles itself have an increased font compared to the other text. The text is seen as quite feminine meaning it would appeal to the female audience, increasing the magazines constituency by quite a bit. The text I will use will be fitting to the genre of music i have chosen. As a female audience is the type of reader I would like to attract, I will also use a female type font as a result of attracting a female audience. I will do this by going on a website called 'DaFont' and choose the correct font for my magazine. The images used here

Adele contents page

Hi there, today i will be reviewing Q's content page with hit singer Adele being the main feature. As soon as you glance at this contents page, you are immediately attracted to Adele face. This picture is so dominant and large that it automatically says to the reader that the main article is about Adele and possibly her new albums and possibly an upcoming tour in the months issue.the page number and article description are in the top left corner out of the way of Adele. By doing this, the reader does not mix up the main article with other stories featured in the magazine. The text with the picture is much larger and bold than the majority of the content page (excluding the title) meaning the text is a lot more easier to rad. Therefore, it is a lot more noticeable and attractive. The text and the pictures are neat, and spread out in their frames.and stand out more to an extent to the rest of the pages. The sizing of the text around the picture emphasises the main article and makes

James Bay front cover magazine

Hi again! Today I will be reviewing James Bays acoustic magazine front cover! As you have probably guessed, I chose this magazine as it fits with what i want to do perfectly as it is made for the genre I am using. The colours used in this magazine are very fitting to the genre of music. The colours black and white are commonly used in magazines which have a high constituency to attract attention. This magazine has contrasted the colour of black on white as the font is in white but James himself is dressed in black. This signify's the importance of James as black is a more dominant colour. The use of the colour red in the background shows the energy portrayed in the music James is playing and attracts audience attention by the contrast. The colour yellow used as a pop of colour shows joy, hope and happiness which is a match to what acoustic music represents compared to heavy rock. In my magazine, I will use the colour yellow as a pop of colour just as this magazine has done here.

David Bowie Rolling Stone

David Bowie Rolling Stone Hi there! Today I will be analysing a David Bowie magazine which was produced in 1972! This magazine immediately made me interested as it is an example of a music magazine in a different era then magazines I have discussed previously. Rolling stones have used a colour scheme containing four main colours - green, gold, white and black. From my research I have notice that rolling stones haven't stuck to a colour scheme through out any of there magazines they have produced from years ago (like this 1972 magazine) from more modern magazines. The use of gold in a colour scheme is very interesting as it shows the importance of Bowie himself, Rolling stone has clearly used gold to signify his relevance and success in the music industry. This is obviously why gold is the main colour used in the front colour of this magazine as it is not only attractive to the audience but it portrays Bowie in a very successful light. Although the idea of changing the th

Target Audience Lesson

Target Audience Lesson Hi again, today we had a lesson on target audiences and the questions we would ask them. To get a level 4 in my coursework I am required to discuss target audience research and act upon what my audience has said. I need to think about: how old my audience is what gender my audience is the interest of my audience know the nature of the audience I am required to be specific in the questions i ask my audience as I am focusing on the quality of the responses I get rather than how much feedback is given. In addition, I will also on many occasions ask why after answering a question. This is due to the fact that I wish to use questions that contain the correct conventions rather than using inappropriate and non useful questions.

Taylor swift billboard front cover

Taylor Swift Billboard magazine Hello, today I will be analysing a billboard magazine issue from October 2012. In this issue Taylor Swift is seen holding a guitar on the front cover. This cover is interesting as it uses five main colour instead of three which is usually what magazines use. These colours are red, yellow, blue, white and black. These colours are interesting as they are the primary colours, meaning they stand out and lure the buyer in. The use of black is typical as it is representative for most magazines as it stands out most to the eye. Interestingly, the makers o this magazine have dressed Taylor Swift to fit the colour scheme. This is evident due to her royal blue trousers and her top is plain white, not only that put she wears a bright red lipstick too. There are two shades of blue used in this cover of the magazine - although it is not that noticeable. This makes the text used down the left hand side of the front cover stand out to the reader a lot more and

Q Ed Sheeran Review

Magazine front cover review: Q, Ed Sheeran Hi again! I found on Google a perfect example of a magazine cover to review including Ed Sheeran holding a guitar which is how I would like my model to pose. This magazine shows all the conventions of a perfect magazine front cover. Firstly, the magazine portrays three main colours in the font, these are red, white and black. The font is also the same when mentioning the magazine and what it has in store, however the font changes when the magazine talks about Ed, or the essential topics of the magazine, like the '50 albums of 2014'. During the creation of my music magazine, I will use this technique and use the same font through out the magazine, however when it come to the 'celebrity' I will change up that style of the font and increase the size to encourage fans to purchase the magazine. I will also highlight any important words or phrases in the colour I choose, similarly like Q did with the colour red. Somethi

Kerrang example music cover

Example magazine front cover As we continue our project, we looked at an example magazine cover and analysed its conventions. The magazine was Kerrang from a few years ago, which is not the magazine type I will be looking at. However, I found this really interesting as we discussed its target audience, brands, language, colour and the use of images which I will need to discuss myself. The magazine helped show its target audience and the genre of music it targets by using a very masculine effect. This suggests that the theme of music might be rock or heavy metal even. The front cover reaches its target audience by using a colour scheme, such as dark grey and black which is commonly associated with men. They also use advertisement tie-in to attract their audience of older teens by using its sponsor on the front cover which was 'relentless' which is associated with rock loving teenagers who drink energy drinks to continue with their lives. They also use pictures of bands who ar