James Bay front cover magazine

Hi again! Today I will be reviewing James Bays acoustic magazine front cover! As you have probably guessed, I chose this magazine as it fits with what i want to do perfectly as it is made for the genre I am using. The colours used in this magazine are very fitting to the genre of music. The colours black and white are commonly used in magazines which have a high constituency to attract attention. This magazine has contrasted the colour of black on white as the font is in white but James himself is dressed in black. This signify's the importance of James as black is a more dominant colour. The use of the colour red in the background shows the energy portrayed in the music James is playing and attracts audience attention by the contrast. The colour yellow used as a pop of colour shows joy, hope and happiness which is a match to what acoustic music represents compared to heavy rock.
In my magazine, I will use the colour yellow as a pop of colour just as this magazine has done here. I will use a more pastel type of yellow but will use it as a small contrast similarly. I will also be using the colours black and white to attract attention to the eye. However, I will not be using the colour red, this is because I want my magazine to include a colour which represents relaxation and calmness. The colour I have chosen to represent this is blue.
The font used on the front cover of this magazine is interesting due to its simplistic nature. When thinking of acoustic magazine fonts in my opinion, I thought of a serif type font to show class. However acoustic magazine have kept their magazine font very simple. From my research, I have noticed that Acoustic magazine use this font in at least 95% of their magazine front covers. I have only found one serif type front cover, including Gabrielle Aplin. The quotes used in this front cover are also very pleasing to the eye, especially words such as 'revolution'. This shows that the magazine is quite clearly trying to get more buyers by using such descriptive words.
In my magazine, I will use the font that I believe fits the acoustic type and use a classical serif font. Although the font used on the front cover of this magazine is good, I would prefer to use a more fancy type font. Alternatively, I will use eye catching phrases such as revolutionary to attract the constituency.


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