Kerrang example music cover

Example magazine front cover

As we continue our project, we looked at an example magazine cover and analysed its conventions. The magazine was Kerrang from a few years ago, which is not the magazine type I will be looking at. However, I found this really interesting as we discussed its target audience, brands, language, colour and the use of images which I will need to discuss myself.
The magazine helped show its target audience and the genre of music it targets by using a very masculine effect. This suggests that the theme of music might be rock or heavy metal even. The front cover reaches its target audience by using a colour scheme, such as dark grey and black which is commonly associated with men. They also use advertisement tie-in to attract their audience of older teens by using its sponsor on the front cover which was 'relentless' which is associated with rock loving teenagers who drink energy drinks to continue with their lives. They also use pictures of bands who are popular in this genre to persuade rock lovers to buy the magazine.
The choice of the images were very interesting, as they were very dull and almost threatening expressions on the majority of their faces to portray aggression which is what rock is mostly known as. The images tailor toward the target audience due to the main image, its intimidating and cool at the same time. Four colours present themselves on the cover, which is interesting as my research tell me that magazines usually use three. Kerrang uses black, grey, white and interestingly gold which are very dark washed out colours being present, representing the lives of the heavy metal fans.
Expectantly, the language used is very aggressive and not pleasant. The bold title show onomatopoeia, as Kerrang is a loud sound which is engaging and different. The brands constructed are very dismal- giving me a feeling of anguish as the magazine is typically confrontational, as rock magazine usually are.
I believe that the magazine is very successful and it displays all the conventions of a typical heavy metal/rock magazine via its very clear aggression. I will find more relevant magazines to analyse that are linked to the theme I wish to do (acoustic) such as Q! I will update when I have found the next front cover.


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