Adele contents page

Hi there, today i will be reviewing Q's content page with hit singer Adele being the main feature. As soon as you glance at this contents page, you are immediately attracted to Adele face. This picture is so dominant and large that it automatically says to the reader that the main article is about Adele and possibly her new albums and possibly an upcoming tour in the months issue.the page number and article description are in the top left corner out of the way of Adele. By doing this, the reader does not mix up the main article with other stories featured in the magazine. The text with the picture is much larger and bold than the majority of the content page (excluding the title) meaning the text is a lot more easier to rad. Therefore, it is a lot more noticeable and attractive. The text and the pictures are neat, and spread out in their frames.and stand out more to an extent to the rest of the pages. The sizing of the text around the picture emphasises the main article and makes it the centre of attention. Hence, making the article more pleasing to the eye as it is not a crowded contents page and is more organised.
In my magazine, i will have a main feature photo which will include a band photo like this magazine has included and a solo artist as the main source for attention. I will also make to magazine neat and spacious like this magazine to ensure that it is not only easier for the reader to read, but easier for me to organise. I will also use the font size to distinguish importance. For example, the solo artists name and the name of the band in larger and more bold font, I will also use titles and perhaps a logo in a larger font to attract the readers attention.
The colour scheme in the magazine is basically the same through out the entire magazine. This is evident even on the contents page as 'Q contents' and 'Q reviews' are the same style, colour and font meaning the magazine is consistent in its colour scheme throughout the entire magazine. This shows the reader that the magazine is organised and sophisticated in some manor.
Just like Q, I will be using the same colour scheme through out. The colour scheme will consist of three main colour which are black, white and yellow as its main pop of colour. I will be using these three colour as they all attract attention in their own way. Black and white equally contrast each other, therefore they attract the readers attention and yellow represents happiness and relaxation which is fitting to my chosen genre. 


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