Rolling Stones Contents Page Review

Hi again! Today I will be reviewing a contents page from the Rolling Stones. The date and the page number are rather easy to find. This is appealing to the audience as the information that is required is easy to find and shows the magazine is organised. The font and the text used is very limited but any features described in the text is shown in more detail than previous magazines. The contents is organised and sophisticated and the main articles itself have an increased font compared to the other text. The text is seen as quite feminine meaning it would appeal to the female audience, increasing the magazines constituency by quite a bit.
The text I will use will be fitting to the genre of music i have chosen. As a female audience is the type of reader I would like to attract, I will also use a female type font as a result of attracting a female audience. I will do this by going on a website called 'DaFont' and choose the correct font for my magazine.
The images used here are interesting and portray a different vibe as not all three images are music related which implies that the magazine does not consist of music related information through out as it includes regular generic information which is very different for a magazine in the music genre. However, the two images that are music related are a lot more larger which could show that the magazine prioritises the music industry over anything else. The only piece of text written over the images are, in fact, the page numbers. The colour scheme looks professional and like my idea, use black, white and a pop of colour which in this case is red.
I will be using the sophisticated type theme over the rest of my magazine including my contents page. This is because it will fit with my theme of using female stereotypes of neatness to attract female attraction. I will also stick to the idea of using the conventions of a music magazine and I will not include information that has nothing to do with music magazines as that is not what my task is. I will also make my magazine contents page look more exciting and attention drawing unlike this magazine.


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