Double page spread 4

Hello again! Today I ill be going through and analysing this double page spread with Beyonce as the main feature. as soon as I saw this magazine caught my attention as it is bright, bold and most definitely attractive. This is through the use of colours, picture/model, font and text. 
I believe the most eye drawing thing is the large bold photograph and the text used to catch the audience attention. The font chosen is very bold and is very large which I believe sums up the genre of music which is  pop and makes the reader want to read the story from the big title. What is particularly interesting about the title specifically is the boldness of the word 'fiercely' in white and the contrast of the thinner word 'creative'. The use of this adverb makes the audience want to see exactly how fierce the article is and what Beyonce is up too. However, the most intriguing and creative thing about this is the actual text itself. Un-usually, the text is only in two column whereas usually most double page spreads include three equal columns of text. Also, the text stems from the right instead of the left which is slightly odd.
In my magazines double page spread, I will use a  bold photo like this magazine has done and I will make sure my title stands out like a little more than this one has has. I will also ensure that I choose the correct photo for my magazine and make sure it suits my style of genre and stands out for an acoustic magazine like this magazine has done for Beyonce. However, I will use a simple font like this magazine has used and will use the classic style which is more sophisticated. I will make sure it stands out like this magazine has done and make sure that the article fits the title, this is perfect for this as the word 'fierce' definatley suits Beyonce.
This magazine uses Beyonce as the model for the double page spread. This definatley makes the constituency of this artist who is one of the most popular singers in the world want to purchase the magazine as they wish to here what i said in the magazine. The model is bold and fierce and is very cool which represents the genre of music very well. The purple and gold theme represents Beyonce very well as purple is supposed to symbolise royalty and gold represents money and success which sums up Beyonce as an artist.
I will use a colour like this magazine has to not only sum up my artist, but to also sum up my magazine and its targeted genre of music. I will also position my model to have the desired look which im my magazines case ill be happy and calm rather than fierce, but I will make sure all clothing and make up is relevant to my artist.


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