My article interview

Hi again! Today I am going to allow you to read my article that is put into my double page spread. This article contains an interview between Kate and Beth who are my duo band.

"The new hit sensations “simplicity” take the UK by storm by their new album “complicated”. Here at sixstrings, we’ve had the pleasure of interviewing the two girls named Beth and Kate on their release of their new album. The first question I asked was ‘How did you girls get together?’ Kate responded by saying ‘We met in middle school and we were instantly close friends, through out high school we both discovered our love for acoustic music and we started learning how to  play guitar. Then we started singing.’ I then asked Beth ‘What inspired the albums name?’ Beth happily replies and says ‘We wanted to do something different and we decided on a name that juxtaposed our band name and shows artistic contrasted. By this time, I was really interested in the girls, they gave a really cool and relaxed vibe, much like their music. I then went on to ask How was the tour around England?’ Both Kate and Beth looked and each other and giggled. Kate replied and said ‘It was so unbelievable, nothing we have ever experienced before. It felt like i was in a dream world. I never expected anything like this to happen to me. Beth carries on and says ‘Our fans are amazing, they are so supportive to us. Me and Kate are very thankful for all of our fans. We travelled in every major city in England from London back to our routes in Newcastle. I then proceeded to ask more fun questions for the girls as i said   ‘Whats the craziest fan story you have?’ Beth responded first and explained ‘We’ve not had anything damaging yet, but I would say the most scariest thing to happen to us was when a fan climbed on stage and was removed by security. That was pretty terrifying, but thankfully the person was removed straight away. Kate carried on and said’Yeah that was so scary! We knew then that the security had to be tighter on tour,. But id say that the craziest thing to happen because the majority of our fans are respectful to us and don't do anything to extreme’. I didn't realise that ever happened to the girls, so I went on to ask. ‘Is it difficult to deal with criticism on social media?’ Kate responded and said ‘We have a Facebook, Twitter and Instagram feed which we use to promote any merchandise and any any upcoming tours or albums for our fans. We don’t usually get a lot of really bad hate but when we do, we ignore it. We love our fan base and don't listen to what the haters have to say about us. Beth moved onto say ‘I think we receive the most hate on twitter more than anything because its what we use to promote the most. Obviously we have private accounts for us to message our friends and family. But we tend not to let any hate get to us like some other artists may. Finally I said ‘How do you deal with nerves before you perform?’ Beth said ‘I don't usually get very nervous but if i do, I drink some water and do some breathing exercises. That usually does the trick. Kate said’ I usually get fresh air and take my main of any nerves really. But we don't get nervous a lot but when I do it kinda knocks my confidence and that not good for the show so I make sure i'm 100% confident before I walk on stage. I then said  ‘Even if that means being late?’  Kate responded and said ‘Yeah defiantly! I need to make sure that i'm at my best for all our shows’ I wrapped up the interview and I must say to my readers out there, these girls are genuine and lovely down to earth girls, and I would highly recommend listening to their new album. Even buy a ticket to their last few shows!"


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