How to make a bar code

How to make a bar code on Photoshop

Hi there! Today i'm going to tell you how I created a bar code which I will put onto my final magazine. We had a lesson which talked through word by word and step by step as a group. I though it was interesting but some parts were quite difficult to do. As a result I had to start over and repeat some steps as the bar code did not come out correctly.

I started off by using the regular marquee tool and creating a very small box. I zoomed into the box I created and filled it in with the colour black using the fill tool. I then went up to the top bar and clicked 'filter'. I then clicked 'add noise' and a little colour came up where i clicked monochrome, Gaussian and made the bar code at 400%. This was the hardest step which I massed up frequently, but I managed to fix it and proceed.

I then clicked on the show transform control button and while holding down shift, I stretched the bar code to the size I wanted. However, if you look really closely into my bar code, you can see a slight speck of green in my bar code which confused me as I defiantly clicked on monochrome. This was what made me redo my bar code many times. To fix this, I clicked on the bar code and changed it all to black and white on its settings which made it totally black and white. 
I copy and pasted it onto my front cover and on in design, added the numbers the you find on the bar codes. I used totally random numbers but began the number sequence with '05' as that is what we usually use here in Britain!


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