Rough draft front cover analysis

Hi there! today i'm going to be showing you my front cover and discussing with you my successes and improvements I am going to make from by own opinions and advice from my class. This front cover (as well as the rest of my magazine) was due on the 7th of march to be looked at my my teachers. All of my pieces of work were displayed in front of the entire class and all individuals were to say a positive and say some constructive criticism for the creator.

What went well
My class mates said many positives as well as criticism, but all the positives said were relativity similar. Many people liked the fact that the photograph was photographed in the quarry as it looks good and shows some conventions of an acoustic magazine. Many people also thought that the font for the captions looked good as well as the yellow circle on the right hand side which says '50 albums you need to buy'.

What could be improved
Some of my class mates said that the font of the name of the magazine could be larger and much bolder in terms of the font. Also some people thought that the website was rather large in size and could be decreased and widened slightly which I agreed on. The price of the magazine was also considered too high for the magazine and slightly unconventional. Finally the class discussed and informed me that the randomness of the fonts made the magazine look messy and that I should stick to one font and alter the size in some of the text.


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